Spider Veins and Varicose Veins

Are Spider Veins and Varicose Veins the Same Thing?

Are spider veins just smaller varicose veins? Are varicose and spider veins harmless? Can you get rid of spider veins naturally? There’s a lot of confusing and unproven information out there, so let’s set the record straight.

So, are spider veins and varicose veins the same thing? In short, no. There are many similarities between spider and varicose veins, but when it comes to blood flow, health, and potential dangers, they are very different.

Both spider and varicose veins are vein disorders, but typically only one, varicose veins, produce symptoms.

What are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are larger, bulging veins that protrude when you stand up. When valves that circulate blood throughout your legs start to malfunction, blood leaks to the surface veins, and forms bulging varicose veins. Patients who suffer from varicose veins often report pain and/or cramping in their legs, itching, swelling, and a feeling of heaviness and tiredness in their lower extremities.

What are Spider Veins?

Spider veins are smaller, web-like veins that typically produce few or no symptoms. Spider veins also form due to poor blood flow, but in very small pathways. They do not usually cause pain, they are superficial (visible on your skin’s surface) and are generally only a cosmetic concern.

Spider Veins vs Varicose Veins: What are The Differences?

The major differences between spider and varicose veins are the size, color, shape, symptoms, and treatments. Varicose veins can be an indicator of other underlying venous health issues and spider veins are often just a cosmetic concern. While spider veins most commonly occur on the legs, they can also occur on the torso, face, or arms. Varicose veins typically only occur in the legs and can travel all the way up to the pelvic area.

Here's how you to tell the difference between spider and varicose veins

Spider veins are quite small, typically just one millimeter in length and width or less. They are tiny, thin, tree-like branches of veins that are typically on the legs, face, chest, torso, and arms. Varicose veins, on the other hand, are large, bulging ropey veins, which get smaller when you elevate your leg.

Spider veins are most often red, blue, or purple. Varicose veins tend to be flesh-colored, greenish blue, or purplish red.

Spider veins appear as tiny tree branches or a central cluster of small vessels that branches out resulting in a spider-like appearance near the surface of the skin. They are typically flat or slightly raised on the surface of the skin. Varicose veins, on the other hand, can be under the surface or on the surface of the skin, and are not just larger, but they are bumpy, raised, tortuous, or even twisted, like a rope or cord.

Patients who have unsightly spider veins typically do not feel any symptoms. Occasionally there is itching or burning associated with spider veins, but this is not common. Varicose veins, on the other hand, can produce symptoms such as leg pain, heaviness, fatigue in the legs, swelling in the ankles or legs, bleeding, cramping, and more. Varicose vein symptoms worsen over time and will not go away without medical treatment.

Spider vein treatment is generally for cosmetic reasons and are minimally invasive. Spider vein treatment at the KW Vein Clinic is with the Excel®V+, which uses a state-of-the-art laser to close spider and reticular veins. Laser vein treatments are done right in our office, with no anesthesia needed! Treatment for varicose veins include everything from foam sclerotherapy injection to radiofrequency ablation (Venefit), and VenaSeal (medical glue). These treatments are also done right in our Vein Clinic and require assessment by our vascular surgeons.

What causes varicose and spider veins?

Quite a few factors can contribute to varicose and spider veins. These include, family history (genetics), overall health, weight, gender, age, occupation, and more. Sitting for long periods of time, being on your feet for long periods of time, having a high BMI, and giving birth multiple times can all impact your vein structure. And sometimes, it’s just hereditary!

How Can I Get Rid of My Spider and Varicose Veins?

Unfortunately, there are no creams, supplements, oils, vinegars, or massage techniques to make your veins disappear naturally. They also will not magically disappear on their own over time.

The only way to make spider veins and varicose veins disappear is through treatment. Our minimally invasive vein treatment options at KW Vein Clinic are tailored to your specific problems.

The Sooner, the Better is True with Vein Treatment Options

Even if your varicose veins are not causing any leg pain or discomfort at this point, making an appointment with a vein specialist is a smart idea. Why? Early treatment is the best option for effective results, and vein disease, the underlying condition that causes varicose veins in the first place, is progressive.

At your consultation, your vein specialist will learn about your vein health and will assess for specific conditions. Your vein specialist will then determine whether you will benefit from a cosmetic treatment with the Excel®V+ laser with our laser-certified registered nurse, or a vein procedure such as Venefit, VenaSeal, or foam sclerotherapy injection with our vascular surgeon.